Last December Read Write Web wrote a response to Yahoo!'s decision to close the bookmarking tool Before reading the article I was not familiar with Del.icious at all. Their obvious opposition to the demise of this website made me wonder how I hadn't been utilizing this program before.
When learning more about the features of I realized that my favorite time-killing website, StumbleUpon operated a lot like, I just wasn't utilizing it properly. I actively browsed through the millions of websites tagged in Stumble without contributing my own. I didn't realize that StumbleUpon operates from user recommendations. Having realized this now I fully intend to become a more active stumbler.
Now that I realize the potential usefulness of StumbleUpon, I think of the dozens of times I could have utilized it more, especially academically. When I read RWW's description of it reminded me of a more organized version of StumbleUpon, and again I was reminded of the countless number of academic sources lost because of unorganized bookmarks. I was also reminded of the hours spent finding said sources, when I could have had sources find me via So much wasted time.
I was relieved when I noticed the RWW article had an update saying that Yahoo! would not be shutting down, simply selling it. It would have really been a shame if I hadn't gotten to utilize this tool.
A lot of casual internet browsers haven't heard of social bookmarking sites like Delicious. Even I hadn't heard about Delicious until our discussion in class and I use the internet quite frequently. It seems like a great tool that has been overshadowed in the past by Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and StumbleUpon. Hopefully it gets sold to someone who will promote it well.
ReplyDeleteI agree to a lot of what you said. I think anyone in class who uses Stumble was shocked to see there was another website just like it - just formatted a little bit differently. I didn't realize that Yahoo! wasn't shutting it down, though. Viva!